Alphabet and Basic Grammar
of the
Istro-Romanian Language (Istro-română)
This page is not a copy of any official or
universally-recognized alphabet of the Istro-Romanian Language which is still
being researched and rewritten by international linguists of diverse
backgrounds. It is by no means the only alphabet currently being used on the
internet to represent the Istro-Romanian language, but perhaps it is the
simplest and most sympathetic to the original language and its native speakers.
The important thing
to remember when examining the writings in the alternate alphabets is that
Istro-Romanian was and remains classified in the Indo-European Language Tree as
being of Italic (Romance) origin, not Slavic (Croatian, Slovene, etc.),
notwithstanding the Slavic words that have been infused into the speech of the
very few acknowledged native speakers in Croatia. We do not acknowledge or
include here the Croatian-based alphabet that is of 21st-century invention.
Moreover, this language
(or dialect of Romanian) is still spoken by the vaste major of Istro-Romanians who
left Istria during the mass Exodus at the end of World War II that nearly
decimated the Istro-Romanian towns and who settled in
other countries around the world - most notably, in Italy, Germany, France, Sweden,
United States of America, Canada, Australia, Argentina and elsewhere. It
is also known that a few Istro-Romanians emigrated
to Romania. The sources for the data that are represented on this page are given
General notes and orthography
Rumanian is, geographically, an isolated eastern member of the group of Romance languages,
being severed from all the rest by countries in which the predominant
speech is Slavonic or Magyar. It represents the original rustic Latin
of the Roman provincials in Moesia
and Dacia, as modified by centuries of alien rule. Structurally, its
Latin characteristics have been well preserved; but its vocabulary has
undergone great changes, becoming so far Slavonized that the ratio of
words of Slavonic origin to words of Latin origin is approximately as
three to two; large numbers of loan-words have also been added from
Turkish, Greek, Magyar and other sources. It is noteworthy, however,
that where Latin words have survived they are sometimes purer than in
the Romance languages of the West 1 i.e. the so-called
Daco-Rumanian, spoken by the vast majority of Rumans over the whole of
Rumania, in Transylvania, Bukovina, the Banat, Bessarabia, and some
districts of Servia and Bulgaria bordering on the Danube. The two most
important dialects are the Istro-Rumanian, spoken in part of Istria but rapidly becoming extinct, and the Macedo-Rumanian, spoken by the Kutzo-Vlachs (see
Vlachs). The Istro-Rumanian forms, as it were, a link
- now completely severed - between the Romance of the Balkans and/the
Romance of the West. In the Macedo-Rumanian there are no Magyar
loan-words, but there is a large Albanian element, and Greek loan-words
are more numerous than Slavonic.
Lat. domina is better represented by Rumanian domna, " lady," than by Italian donna, Spanish dona, Portuguese dona, French dame). Some words indeed - such as laudare, to praise, ducere, to lead - retain unaltered the forms under which they were used by Virgil and Cicero.
A feature of the language which distinguishes it from all other members
of the group, and appears to be of even higher antiquity than the
word-forms above mentioned, is the retention of a suffix article - e.g.
frate, brother, fratele, the brother; zi, day, ziva,
the day. This usage seems to have survived from the pre-Roman period. A
similar suffix article is retained in Albanian, which almost certainly
represents the original language of the Thraco-Illyrian tribes (see Albania); and these tribes belonged to the same ethnical and linguistic group as the Daco-Moesians represented by the Vlachs.
Rumanian orthography remained in a transitional state throughout the 19th century. The Latin alphabet is used, with special signs to represent sounds borrowed from Slavonic, &c. All the unaccented vowels except e are pronounced as in Italian; e has the same phonetic value as in Old Slavonic (=French e) and is often similarly preiotized (= ye in yet), notably at the beginning of all words except neologisms. The accented vowels é and ó are pronounced as ea and oa (petra, rock, = peatra; morte, death, = moarte); they are written in full, as diphthongs, at the end of a word and sometimes in other positions. The sound of the Slavonic y,J (a guttural y) is represented by d, e or o, though these letters occur as frequently in words of Latin origin (e.g. cind =quando) as in those derived from Slavonic; is represented by d or i, having the nasal sound of un in French; i and is at the end of a word are mute or short. Of the consonants, c followed by e or i=ch (as in church), otherwise k; d or d resembles the English j; g is hard before e and i, otherwise soft; h is guttural, as ch in loch; j is pronounced as in French; r as in
Russian; s ors (Sla y. III) as sh; t or t (Sla y. II,) as is or tz; w is wanting. The remaining consonants have the same phonetic values as in English.
Rumanian is highly inflected. It possesses two regular
substantive declensions and six cases, the vocative being in common
use. The large class of heterogeneous nouns which are masculine in the
singular and feminine in the plural constitute what is sometimes called
the neuter declension. There are three regular conjugations,
distinguished (as in Latin) according to the termination of the present infinitive in a, e or i; e.g. (I) a ara or arare, to plough, (2) a crede or credere, to believe, (3) a dormi or dormire, to sleep. Verbs ending in f, however, are sometimes classed as a fourth conjugation. The second form of the present infinitive (arare, credere, dormire) is used as a noun. The so-called " simple perfect " (perfectul simplu) has often the force of an aorist. Compound tenses are formed by the addition of certain particles and of the auxiliary verbs - a a y e, to have, a fi, to be, and a voi, to will. For the passive voice, a fi
is used, with the past participle of the required verb. All tenses of
reflexive verbs except the imperative and present participle are formed
by prefixing the pronoun which indicates the object to the verb, in the dative
or genitive case (abbreviated) as the verb may require; but in the
reflexive imperative and present participle the verb precedes the
pronoun; e.g. a propune, to propose, a si propune, to propose to oneself, but propune i, propose to yourself.
The accentuation of Rumanian, though complex, is governed by
certain broad principles, except in the case of neologisms, many of
which have been borrowed from French and Italian without change of accent. Nouns retain the accent of the nominative singular in all cases and in both numbers (e.g. copila, girl, vocative plur, copilelor),
except when a diminutive or augmentative suffix is added; the accent
then shifts to the suffix. The language is very rich in diminutive and
augmentative forms; e.g. the name Ion or loan (John), has the diminutives lonicei, Ionita, Ionascii, Ianache, Ienachel, &c. In verbs - apart from a few exceptional tenses - the accent falls on the first syllable of the inflectional suffix, e.g. en dorm, I sleep, but 'eu' dormissem, I had slept. For the sake of euphony, a vowel is frequently interpolated between two consonants; e.g. in masculine nouns terminating in a consonant, an interpolated u precedes 1 to form the suffix article (om, man, om-u-1, the man).
The Istro-Romanian alphabet is based on the
standard Romanian alphabet and thus the pronunciation of most letters
is quite similar. In addition to the letters found in the standard
Romanian alphabet, Istro-Romanian has three additional letters used to
mark sounds specific only to this dialect: Å å | Ľ ľ | Ń ń. Of these, the last two, Ľ ľ | Ń ń,
are also found in the alphabets used in the writing of two other
Romanian dialects, Aromanian and Megleno-Romanian. These sounds are,
however, found in spoken Romanian in certain areas of the country of present-day
Romania but
are not considered part of the standardized language. The third sound Å å is an uniquely Istro-Romanian sound.
Vowels (7, 8 or 9)
A a |
Å å | Ă ă |
| E e |
I i | Î î* | O o | U u
Consonants (25)
B b | C c | D d | F f
| G g | H h
| J j | K k
| L l | Ľ l’ |
M m
N n | Ń ń | P p |
Q q | R r | S s
Ş ş| T t |
Ţ ţ
| V v
| W w
X x | Z z
two vowels are actually just one sound. This is the sound used even when
pronouncing the name of the language: istro-română. It is found in
all recent texts written in Istro-Romanian, including:
- Josif Popovici, Dialectele romîne din
Istria (1909)
- Sextil Puşcariu, Studii Istroromâne
- Leca Morariu, Lu Fraţi Noştri
- Richard Sârbu & Vasile Frăţilă,
Dialectul istroromân (1998)
- August Kovačec,
Istrorumunjsko-Hrvatski Rječnik (1998) and Descrierea istroromânei
actuale (1971)
In certain texts, the authors use only one
character for transcribing that sound: August Kovačec (1938- ) and
Sextil Puşcariu (1877-1948) use  â,
for the diphthong oa / ua, whereas
Iosif Popovici
(1876-1928) uses only Î î. For the same diphthong
Leca Morariu uses a stressed a and for what is sometimes
pronounced as the diphthong ea (which not included in the
above alphabet) he used an open e, in both cases the characters
being written as a bolded a and bolded e.
Sextil Puşcariu goes into more detail when talking
about those sounds that are specific to Romanian and Istro-Romanian. He
notes that while the usage of Î î and  â is much more prevalent in the
official Romanian language, in
Istro-Romanian it is often changed to Ă ă especially in the dialect spoken
in the southern group of Istrian towns in the Arsa Valley region (but even these will vary).
Andrea Glavina, in his book Calindaru lu rumeri din
Istrie cu figure de Andrei Glavina şi Constantin Diculescu used the
following characters instead of or distinct from the above:
Ạ ạ (now replaced
by Å å)
Ì ì , À à (same as in
Ĭ ĭ, used after "l" and
"g" to represent the combined sounds that are equivalent to the Italian
"gli" and "gn" and Croatian "lj" and "nj" (today represented by a standard "i" preceded by the
characters Ľ ľ
Ń ń -
per below)
Ŭ ǔ = ?
There may be other vowels or consonents
that have been adapted by various authors that are borrowed from other
languages and which are not
confirmed as part of the above Istro-Romanian alphabet, including:
Ā ā |
Ę ę |
Č č
- The original repertoire
of letters [prior to above
expansion] was specified by Dr. Rădulescu of the Institul de
Lingvistic "Iorgu Iordan", Bucharest, in a fax received by the editor
on 1996-06-21.
- Cantemir, Traian. 1959. Texte istroromîne, [s.1.]: Editura
Adademiei Republicii Populare Romîne.
- Kovačec, August. 1971. Descrierea istroromânei actuale.
Bucureşti: [s.1.]
- Puşcariu, Sextil. 1926. Studii isroromâne. Vol. II.
Bucureşti: [s.1.]
Unique Sounds
[The symbols between the square parenthesis is the phonetic value of each letter in accordance with the
International Phonetic Alphabet
(IPA). IPA is a system of phonetic notations devised by linguists to
accurately and uniquely represent each of the wide variety of sounds
(phones or phonemes) used in spoken human language. It is intended as a
notational standard for the phonemic and phonetic representation of all
spoken languages.
Å å → wə similar to the sound in English of "o" in "one" and "once",
but with no
Croatian or Italian equivalents. It is nearly a double vowel
sound that combines "u" or "o" with "a". Examples: måia (mother),
åstez (today), åpa (water).
Ă ă → ə has no English equivalent but
is similar
to the English sound of "e" in "merchant"; equivalent the the Italian "e" in
"mercato". This is a rather unique sound to Romanian although a similar sound
exists in both Bulgarian and Afrikaans. Examples:
măr (hand)
 â and Î î →
has no English equivalent but is similar to
the sound of "aw" in "dawn". These two vowels are phonetically and functionally identical. The letter  â is used exclusively in the middle of words; its majuscule
(upper case) version appears only in all-capitals inscriptions. The letter Î î
is used only at the beginning and the end of words. The reason for
using both letters is historical and denotes an effort to emphasize the
language's Latin origin. Examples:
însa (alone), cân (when).
J j →
as in the sound of "s" in "treasure", the phonetic equivalent of the Croatian "ž";
no Italian equivalent. Examples:
obråju (face)
Ľ l’
as in the English sound "lli" in "million", the
phonetic equivalent of the Croatian "lj" and Italian "gl". The letter is
correctly written as one character and not as the letter L with an apostrophe ('). This
sound does not exist in standard Romanian, but is found in Aromanian and
Macedo-Romanian and in dialectal variations of Romanian.
Ń ń → ɲ
as the the English
sound "ni" in "onion"; the phonetic equivalent of the Croatian "nj"
and Italian "gn". This sound
does not exist in standard Romanian, but is found in Aromanian and
Macedo-Romanian and in dialectal variations of Romanian.
Ş ş → ʃ as the English sound "sh" in
"shoe"; the phonetic equivalent of the Croatian "š" and Italian "sc" when
followed by "i" or "e". The letter is correctly written with a coma (virgula)
and not with a cedilla like in Turkish. However, most on line texts use the
version with a cedilla because it is much more widely supported and because the
correct version was introduced only in Unicode 3.0 at the request of the
Romanian national standardization body. Most computers today still do not have
fonts compatible with it (computers with Microsoft operating systems older than
Windows XP do not have compatible fonts). See table below.
Ţ ţ → ʦ as the English sound "ts"
in "cats"; and the Italian "z" in "Venezia"; the phonetic equivalent of the Croatian "c" between two vowels. The letter is
correctly written with a coma (virgula) in the Latin Extended-B set and not with a cedilla
in Latin Extended-A set. Examples:
ţåţe (one of the sub-dialects' pronunciations for "father"). See table below.
regulilor oficiale stabilite de Academia Română cu privire
la ortografia limbii române, reprezentarea grafică a
caracterelor Ş/ş şi Ţ/ţ se face prin adăugarea virgulei sub
caracterele S/s şi T/t respectiv. |
caracterele cu sedilă sunt
incorecte din punctul de vedere al limbii române
În cazul
codării proprietare de pagină CP1250 folosită de sistemul de
operare Microsoft Windows, în forma ei actuală, caracterele Ş/ş
şi Ţ/ţ au atribuite codurile Unicode U015E (S cu sedilă), U015F
(s cu sedilă), U0162 (T cu sedilă) şi U0163 (t cu sedilă). Ele
sunt descrise în cadrul subsetului Unicode Latin Extended-A.
caractere, cu sedilă, sunt specificate şi în cadrul standardului
internaţional ISO/IEC 8859‑2:1998 (Latin2). |
caracterele cu virgulă sunt
cele corecte din punctul de vedere al limbii române
Caracterele corecte din punct de vedere al limbii române sunt de
fapt caracterele ale căror coduri Unicode sunt U0218 (S cu
virgulă), U0219 (s cu virgulă), U021A (T cu virgulă) şi U021B (t
cu virgulă). Ele sunt descrise în cadrul subsetului Unicode
Latin Extended-B.
caractere, cu virgulă, sunt specificate atît în cadrul
standardului românesc SR 13411:1999, cît şi în cadrul
standardului internaţional ISO/IEC 8859‑16:2001 (Latin10).
Unfortunately, these distinctions are not yet to be found on the
major text editors.
additional information, see
convention - quotation marks:
‚single’ and „double”
Verb Conjugations
Conjugation |
I |
II |
IV |
Infinitive |
cl´amå |
ramaré |
båte |
durmí |
Other verbs of conjugation I: stå, turnå, zucå
Other verbs of conjugation II: ve, tiré, be
Other verbs of conjugation III: årde, pl'erde, zacl'ide
Other verbs of conjugation IV: avzí, fi, cuperí
Other IV conjugation verbs formed with -éi and -úi:
bivéi, movéi, piséi, frustikéi, carúi, radúi.
Verbs ending in -véi and -úi are iterative, while verbs
ending -éi are either perfective or imperfective.
Conjugation |
I |
II |
IV |
Gerund |
rugánda |
tiránda |
avzínda |
copéinda |
Conjugation |
I |
II |
IV | |
3. sg. |
| |
rugån |
tirén |
mézen |
avzín |
2.p. |
| |
rógu |
tíru |
mégu |
åvdu |
Conjugation |
I |
II |
IV | |
rugåiam |
cadéiam |
trazéiam |
avzíiam | |
rugåiai |
cadéiai |
trazéiai |
avzíiai | |
rugåia |
cadéia |
trazéia |
avzíia | |
rugåian |
cadéian |
trazéian |
avzíian | |
rugåiat |
cadéiat |
trazéiat |
avzíiat | |
rugåia |
cadéia |
trazéia |
avzíia |
Formed with the past participle and combined with auxiliary verb ve in the present. |
rugåt-am | |
tirút-ai |, |
tras-a | |
avzít-am | |
verít-at | |
copéit-a(v) |
Identical to the indicative present, but the conjunction se or neca preceeds it.
(res, rei, re, ren, ret, re) + rugå
(res, rei, re, ren, ret, re) + fost + rugå
Conjugation |
I |
II |
IV | |
rugår |
tirúr |
trasér |
avzír copéir | |
rugåri |
tirúri |
traséri |
avzíri copéiri
| |
rugåre |
tirúre |
trasére |
avzíre copéire | |
rugårno |
tirúrno |
trasérno |
avzírno copéirno | |
rugåret |
tirúret |
traséret |
avzíret copéiret | |
rugåru |
tirúru |
traséru |
avzíru copéiru |
Standard Romanian Keyboard
(incomplete for Istro-Romanian)

UCS ranges for the characters on this page: 0040-005A, 0060-007A, 00C5, 00E5, 0102-0103, 0143-0144, 0218-021B,
02BC, 2019-201A, 201D-201E.
character entity references, required in cases where the letter is not
available by ordinary coding, the codes are
Å and
å ; or
Å and
å ,
which also can used in any XML application (when the letter is not directly
available in the
character encoding used).
when using the
8859-1 or
sets, the codes for "Å" and "å" are respectively 197 and 229, or C5 and E5
To type "å" with an US-International
keyboard layout on
Microsoft Windows, hold the right-Alt and the "w" key, and the Å in the same
way with the addition of the
Shift key
. Or hold the Alt
key and type 0197 or 143 on the
numeric keypad for "Å", and for "å" hold the Alt key and type 0229 or 134 on
the numeric keypad.
To type "Å" with an
Apple Computer using a US keyboard layout, hold the
Option key
and the Shift
key simultaneously and type the A key. To type "å" with an Apple Computer,
hold the
Option key and type the A key.
See also:
- The Alphabets of Europe -" (original)
- Prof. Petru Neiescu, University of Cluj,
Related sites:
- Dialectul Aromân